The #climatechallenge would never have become what it is today if there hadn't been people who were enthusiastic about the project and multiplied it not only by participating. but by giving courses themselves.
Manuel and Fine are among these people.
Manuel is not only admirably committed to us (he has already led quite a few courses in Biberach), but is also contributing to the change for more sustainability with many of his deeds.
He studied chemistry and is now pursuing a PhD in physical chemistry. Despite such a challenging study program, he has always found time to do good elsewhere. But let's let him tell a little bit about it himself:
"In addition to my chemistry studies, I have been very intensively active in Fridays for Future in the last few years and have thus grown up politically as an activist, so to speak. That means I have organized many demos, written press releases, tried to convince politicians to pass better climate protection laws, argued with the municipal utilities about their concept for the transition to sustainable heating, and held many lectures about the climate crisis and its various solutions. At the core of these lectures was always the statement: there are solutions, but they will only work if we implement them together as a society. In other words, we need to organize and change things together. What I like about the climate challenge is that it is precisely this idea that is always in the spotlight. We work out together the huge problem we're facing at the moment, but the central guiding thought is: How does this knowledge help us solve the problem?"
Fine is backgrounded in childhood pedagogy, education, and social sciences.
When asked why she enjoys being part of us and what she likes about working with the #climatechallenge courses, she said:
"I like being part of the #climatechallenge because it takes the focus past individual behaviour change and emphasizes the importance of political action. After all, the fact that the public focus is so heavily on individual consumption is no coincidence, but a strategy that blocks real and profound action for social and environmental improvements and should therefore be criticized. #climatechallenge highlights that it is at least as important to create sustainable structures and to dismantle non-sustainable structures. Social and sustainable behavior must not be a privilege or dependent on the extra effort of individuals.
The creative ideas for challenges of the participants please me, as well as the suggestions that come up for me in the discussions and the preparation of the sessions and make me think, reflect and learn."
Herewith we want to publicly thank these two great people, also representing all supportersand alumni, for your commitment and make you visible for you who are reading.
You enrich us, #climatechallenge and everyone around you!